So, in brief. George will be my woman friend and I will be his man friend. I know that biologically this is all mixed up, but the heck with biology-it's the ILLUSION that counts!

Maybe you'll want to do the same, Margie, now that I've explained it all to you. I want you to be happy, hon, just like you want me to be happy.

And oh, yes, I went down to see my psychiatrist doctor friend that I've been going to, to tell him I wouldn't need him anymore-that I'd made my peace with my homosexuality. He got pretty mixed up when I tried to explain all the complicated details of the case to him, but he finally said that anything was alright as long as it was normal. You know how it is with psychiatrists. I asked him if he thought it was normal for me to think of George as a woman and him think of me as a man, and he said he had to go to lunch just now, but that anything was alright as long as it was normal.

I know you'll be so happy for me. hon, when you read this. I ran into Janie the other day and she said you were still bawling your eyeballs out over me. But don't take it so personally. I loved you I still love you, Margie, but I want a woman like George-

Oh, here he comes now. And oh, before I forget-George has a boy friend, sort of his same type. I'll fix you up on a blind date sometimes, hon, O. K.? Bye for now-don't forget the wedding. See you in church. darling!

Your ever loving.



mingle with the people. It's surprising how many Europeans speak English. Some are really awful grammatically, yes, but humanly appreciative. My very best wishes to the staff of ONE, and hoping for a Canadian affiliate in the future.

Mr. S.



Dear ONE:

The last few years I've met a great many interesting people here in Canada, the U. S., and Europe. Maybe in one of your forthcoming magazines you could urge readers to travel. Get them in a strange, or even better, a foreign environment for a vacation. Tell them not to behave like tourists but really


Dear ONE:

I am proud of ONE and intend to increase my contributions as financial obligations lessen. Your new Homophile Studies is a great contribution to the understanding of the homosexual nature. I doubt if there is any explanation as to why a man or a woman is a homosexual that will satisfy all. As far as I am concerned the only reasonble explanation is that it is an inherent trait. These explanations that in a boy's early life he hated his mother and loved his father or somewhere along the line his sexual instincts were blocked when he accidentally found his father and mother indulging in sexual intercourse are pure humbug as far as I am concerned.

What good does it do to try to find some origin for his homosexuality? Rather than seek explanations, it would seem to me to be much more practical to discover a sensible